Asian little girl happy with water bubble

Play Therapy

Play Therapy uses the creative and expressive energy of play to assist children in naturally expressing their thoughts and feelings. Children often don’t have “words” yet to express themselves, the way adults do in therapy, but through play they can “tell” their story and resolve challenges in a way that is natural to them. Through play therapy, children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, modify behavior, develop problem solving skills, and learn a variety of ways of relating to others. (Assoc. for Play Therapy) To learn more: go to – Click “Why Play Therapy”, and then YouTube Channel to watch videos on Play therapy or visit their “Parent’s Corner”.

At POR we practice what is referred to as “integrated” play therapy. This means we blend the best theories of play therapy, along with other proven techniques, in an innovative and purposeful manner, to resolve the most common childhood therapy concerns.
Trauma focused play therapy is a particular form of play therapy that specifically focuses on children who are feeling overwhelmed and frightened due to experiencing a traumatic event in their lives. Trauma Focused Play Therapy is a prescriptive approach that allows children a safe environment to express themselves, gain an understanding of traumatic experiences, build alternative coping skills, and gain mastery and control over their experiences.
Play therapy is especially appropriate for ages 3-12. However, teens and adults have been known to benefit from play therapy techniques.
Play therapy varies in length. Sessions normally last 30-50 minutes and are either weekly or bi-weekly, depending on need. Research suggests that it takes an average of 20 play therapy sessions to resolve problems of the typical child referred for treatment. Of course, some children may improve much faster while more some cases may take longer to resolve.
At POR we want families to be actively involved. Your family knows your child best and we want your support, because it will greatly increase the benefits of therapy. You will be provided with parenting support, ideas to increase your child’s growth at home. Family members may be asked to participate in play therapy sessions.
Reviews of over 100 play therapy outcome studies (LeBlanc & Ritchie, 2001; Bratton et. al., 2005) have found that the overall effect of play therapy ranges from moderate to high effects. Play Therapy has proven equally effective across age, gender, and presenting problem. Positive treatment effects were found to be greatest when there was a parent actively involved in the child’s treatment (Assoc. for Play Therapy).


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